Cloud4Wi Alternative


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Why Choose MyPlace over Cloud4wi

If you’re running a business with multiple physical locations, then you must already know this: There is no better way to capture customer emails and start building relationships with them than by capitalizing on your Guest WiFi. Yet, to do this, you must use a tool dedicated to helping businesses like yours capture emails on WiFi. 

Trusted by more than 500+ companies across the globe.

Guest WiFi is your gateway to reaching, engaging, and selling to customers. Here’s how to capitalize on that.

To customers, your Guest WiFi is nothing but a way to stay connected without using up data on their plan. To you, it’s a powerful marketing engine…

You can use it to capture valuable email and marketing data, connect with those customers, remarket them, upsell, or even entice them to come back over and over again. 

But, to do this, you need a WiFI email capture system designed specifically for companies like yours. 

Both MyPlace and Cloud4wi provide WiFi email capture capabilities. Yet the two systems aren’t similar. 

Cloud4wi vs. MyPlace

Discover the three differences between MyPlace and Cloud4wi


Both platforms – MyPlace and Cloud4wi – allow you to unlock the marketing potential of your Guest WiFi. But they focus on different types of businesses. 

Cloud4wi is an enterprise-level solution. The platform targets and is optimized to service the needs of large brands. 

MyPlace focuses on the SMB market and offers simple pricing, starting at $49/month.

  • Simple pricing: MyPlace’s pricing is structured to allow even the smallest venues to capitalize on their guest WiFi.
  • Move to higher plans only when your needs increase: You can use MyPlace on the Starter plan successfully and don’t have to upgrade until your business grows and requires more functionality. 

Ease of getting started

As an enterprise solution, Cloud4wi employs a complex launch process. The process can take a significant amount of time from consultations to deployment. 

MyPlace activates your UniFi Guest Portal in minutes by connecting with your UniFi controller. There is no need for extra hardware or flashing of access points.

  • No extra hardware: Integrate directly with your UniFi platform using the native API.
  • No site visits required: Activate your UniFi Guest Portal in minutes by connecting with your UniFi controller.

More customization

MyPlace guest portals are highly customizable. You are able to expand the portal, add extra fields and questions to ensure that you collect the exact information that you need.

  • Customization – More control over how your WIFi guest portals look and feel. 
  • Better data – Add or remove questions or content from the WiFi onboarding for rich data results

Why do companies choose MyPlace to manage their Guest WiFi?

“Quick and easy to install with no extra hardware required. Customer support was excellent”

Michael Q.


“Easy integration with our Mailchimp service and the volume of data we were able to collect.”

Michael S.

Group Accountant

“I really like how easy MyPlace is to use and how the MyPlace team  has been so helpful”

Mari I.

Office Manager

Why they love us...

Social Login


Loyalty Stats

Last Visit



Email Capture

Data Regulation

Micro Targeting

Event Tracking



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Enter your business email to sign-up. UniFi Controller must be online