Successful Hotel WiFi Market Entry for MyPlace Connect

Hotel wifi market myplace connect

At the beginning of 2014, MyPlace Connect was well established in the bar and restaurant industry and had deployed hotspots in over 9 countries with over 500,000 members using the service. We signalled to the market in early 2014 that we were going to launch into the hotel WiFi market and we delivered on that promise.

Since then we have added more than 1,000 rooms to our hotel network and serve WiFi to the guests of global brands such as Radisson Blu, Holiday Inn & Quality Hotels as well as many local brands across the UK & Ireland.  The easy to use logon process & data capture offered by MyPlace Connect has been welcomed in the hotel industry.

MyPlace Connect Hotel WiFi service has seen a consistent 15% month on month growth in the number of rooms joining the network, and that looks set to continue into 2015. Several high profile hotels are set to join the network early in the new year, including some conference and business focused venues.

WiFi Email Capture Service

Are you ready to start capturing customer email on your venues WiFi? Click the link below to learn more

TripAdvisor was integrated into the logon experience for hotel users in 2014, and is an example of the type of features that will be added to the MyPlace Connect service in 2015. We will continue to improve the service both for the benefit of our hotel clients and to improve the guest experience.

So as 2014 draws to a close, we look back on a very successful year and hotel WiFi market entry and look forward to an exciting 2015.