Getting Started

MyPlace connects directly to your existing Wi-Fi network, enabling you to capture valuable customer data, such as email addresses, from guests who use your Wi-Fi. To start using MyPlace, you’ll need a Wi-Fi network in place that can be integrated with the platform. This is how MyPlace captures data from your guests, making it a critical requirement for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement.

MyPlace is compatible with most popular Wi-Fi network manufacturers, making it easy to integrate with the systems you already have. Your IT provider or network administrator should have the details on which Wi-Fi system you’re currently using, and they can assist with the connection process to ensure MyPlace works seamlessly with your infrastructure.

If you’re unsure about your current Wi-Fi setup or don’t have one in place yet, you can still explore MyPlace. Simply sign up for the MyPlace app, explore its features, and get a feel for how it works. You can always add your Wi-Fi network later, ensuring a flexible and smooth onboarding experience.